Submitting Player:
Miro Acro
Gang Name:
.La eMe.
Chapter 1 The Beginning
Miro Acro
Gang Name:
.La eMe.
Chapter 1 The Beginning
The La eMe Mafioso was formed in 1993,Midnight at 2nd May by 2 gang members from Italy and Mexico. And they has a good friendship from they was a child,their name is Miro "Xean" Acro the Italian guy and Nikola Rodriguez the Mexican guy. They have a kind heart and they are like to helps people,but if they're mad... I can't tell you how they Mad.and One day,Nikola was broke because he is lost in a gambling. He said,"Xean,i'm broke.. Let's make some money,but how?" and Miro said "Hmm...." Nikola and Miro is thinking all day long,and after 1 weeks, Miro got an idea... He's rushing to Nikola's house and shouts to him,and He said "'Ehi',Nikola!" *Knock,Knock,Knock* "Cosa' Xean?." and Miro answers "I've got an Idea!" *Nikola Rodriguez is walking towards the door,grab the knob and spin the knob then pushing the door* "che cos'è?"Nikola is talking in a Italian language. "(quietly) Let's go to Los Angeles and make some money..." "*Chuckles* Buona idea.... But how we ge there? We have no money..." Nikola was not sure about Miro's Idea,but Miro have a solution. "(quietly) How about we trespass the Airport and go into the Plane? We gonna make the strategy later." and Nikola said "Sounds good. BUT,how if we chaugt by the Police or Security Guards?" "I can handle it,just do what im saying and you'll be alright." "*Chuckles* Bene' "
Chapter 2
Miro and Nikola has discussed the stategy and already packed their supplies,So they get to the General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport and Pretended to be a passanger of a plane.
Miro:"So,Nikola are you ready Amici' ?"
Miro:"Ok let's do this."
*Nikola Rodriguez nods to Miro.*
Finally,they success trespassed the Airport and next is to go into the airplane. And before they can enter the plane,they must have a pasport to go into the Plane. And they have an idea,Its stealing another guy pasport.
*Miro Acro looks at Nikola and Raises his eyebrows after exhales his breath*
Miro:" Fuck it man!"
Nikola:"Whats wrong brother?"
Miro:"We need fuckin' Pasport to get into the fuckin' airplane"
Nikola:"How about if we steal from a person?"
Miro:"Yeah,you steal the pasport and i'll keep an eye on security."
Mikola:"Mhhh... Okay okay..."
*Nikola Rodriguez turns his body and walk away from Miro*
Miro and Nikola is connected to a Radio,so they can communicate each other... But the radio is tiny and attached on the ear,so the security guards wouldn't notice it.
Nikola:"Co....*Static* That"
And after 19 minutes searching for a pasport,finally Nikola found a suitcase with two pasport's in it.
*I would looking to the opened suitcase and walk towards it (( Nikola Rodriguez ))*
Nikola:"(quietly)I go...*Static*..t one here"
*Nikola Rodriguez peek to the Suitcase and inserts his hands to it,grabs a pasport from it*
Miro:" Fuck! Security is lookin' at you! RUN NOW F..*Static*..AST!!"
Nikola is running away from the Security,meanwhile Miro is seating on the chair because he don't wanna attract people and Security guards.
And after Nikola runs away from the security guards and lost him,he is hiding in the gents bathroom. And Nikola starts contacting Miro over the radio again....
Miro:"'Ey where are you?"
Miro:"Is the security guards has lost you? Or they still know your location?"
Nikola:"I think they're lost me."
Miro is coming to the Gents Bathroom and meet Nikola there,so they can look at the pasport and giving the pasport each other the pasport.
They already have the pasport and they trying to get into the airport with the Someone's pasport and luckely they're succeed,because they face are similar with the identity.
Chapter 3
Los Angeles
After they flyies from Mexico to Los Angeles. They have no Idea what to do,but they found a Mexican gang called La Surenos. And they joined the gang,Their job is Drug Smuggling,Drug Dealing,Arms Dealing and Criminals. And one day they are robbing a store with their members.
Miro:"Hey! Nikola! Stay with me!"
Nikola:"Il suo male! I'm fine!I'll guard outside the store"
*Miro Acro turns his body and walk towards to store*
Miro is go into the store with the members and pointing a gun to the cashier,so the cashier will give they all of the money. And suddenly a cop come to the store and there is a massive gun fight outside... Miro is worried about Nikola.
16 Minutes later,they're drained the cashier and they are going outside with loaded gun. Miro found Nikola Lying on the ground with a blood on his Stomach.
Miro:"Che' Cazzo'! Niko!"
Nikola:" I...I'm al....alright"
Miro:"How the fuck you are alright? I'll take you to the HQ!"
Nikola:"No No,i'm okay fratello' "
Miro has stolen one car from his gang because there is a massive shootout and their gang is impossible to take Nikola to the HQ for the treatment.
After they arrived on the HQ,Miro begins to treat Nikola and bandage his wounds... And tell Nikola to rest. But the BIG BOSS is coming to the HQ and starts Yelling to them....
and the boss is allowing Nikola to rest until he's Recovered. But after that,they must leave the gang....
Chapter 4
After Miro and Nikola left a gang called La Surenos. They begin with a new live in Downtown Los Angeles. They are Homeless and living on the alley in a Box. They are starting to think,how can they live in L.A and strugle for money. And Miro says.
Miro:" Hey brother."
Miro:"Let's make a gang"
Nikola:"Nah'. To risky...."
Nikola:"What did you said?"
Miro:"Niente' '"
Nikola:"You think i'm afraid?? Okay! Lets make a gang!"
Miro:"Fresco' thats my brother."
*Miro Acro smiles to Nikola and chuckles*
They've decided to make a gang but they doesn't know what is the name of the gang,after 1 weeks they found and decided to make the name of the gang,the actuall date is 2nd May,1993
Nikola:"'Ey' brother... I'm tired... Let's go to sleep"
*Nikola Rodriguez slowly closes his eyes,exhales his breath and fall asleep*
Miro:"I KNOW!"
*Nikola Rodriguez was surprised because of the Shout and awakened up from his sleep*
Nikola:"Che diavolo!"
Miro:"I know! How about "La eMe Mafioso"?"
Nikola:"Sounds good!"
From that night,they are starting to recruit new members,their first member was Alex Lopez. He is a good boy and not a traitor. Nikola and Miro has ordered him to sell a drug to get into their gang. He must sell a drug for 40$ and take the money to Nikola and Miro... And Alex can take the rest of the money.
But when he's dealing a drug,there was undercover police... Unfortunately Alex was caught and the police has sent Alex to the Jail... Now he's in the prison. Lonely,Stinky,and Alex was attack one of the prison guards,Alex was attacked the prison guard because he is Insulted Alex. and Alex get punished by jail time extension. But the good thing is,Alex starts to make a Prison gang... They are called La eMe Mafioso also... That gang have a multy cultular people. They are chinise,Mexican,Italian,American,etc. and they are not racist... So they can have a good friendship each other,and after 3 years in the prison. They've released. Once released, La eMe Mafioso has formed a gangs and HQ over the cities and downtown. They become stronger...
La eMe Mafioso was doing money laundering, extortion, robbery, blackmail, kidnapping, political corruption,etc.They are success and the gang and members are become rich... Some of the people said that La eMe Mafioso was "The Strongest Mafia in Los Angeles"
Chapter 5
La Story.
La eMe also know as Mexican Mafia is a criminal organitation in United States. La eMe didn't originate in Mexico,but it's in United States. La eMe was a Criminal Prison Gang,some people said that La eMe is the most dangerous and strongest prison gang in Los Angeles.
La eMe was formed in 1993 By two boys from diffrent country,they are Miro "Xean" Acro and Nikola Rodriguez,they recruited one member called Alex Lopez. But Alex was prisoned because he is getting cought when he's selling drugs on the streets and alleys. Alex was throwed into a Prison by the police and from there. Alex decided to make a prison gang called La eMe also... The prison gang getting more stronger and stronger. They are enjoying the prison until the time is over... They won't make them self uncomfortable,because it will kill them slowly. And now,they are the most stronges prison gang in Los Angeles and the most biggest prison gang in Los Angeles.
After three years,Alex has served his time and he will back to the open world,and he's get out from jail with no bare hands. They bring their members from the prison and bring it to Nikola and Miro as a gift for them... Nikola and Miro was surprised. Now,La eMe is a successful Mexican Mafia and the most strongest and deadliest Gang in LA.
La eMe is also know as THE BLACK HAND,because most of the gang members have the tatoos on their bodies. and the tatooes are Blackhands,which is La eMe logo.
So,La eMe was a Prison Gang from United States. But it's originally from a street gang.
Thats how La eMe born.
la Fine
Front Boss. R.6
All Type of Weapons are allowed.
((In this rank,your job is to Keep an eye to the family and to manage ranks,invite and kick players. You may use all skins except if we RPing with another gangs/families.))
Underboss R.5
All Type of Weapons are allowed.
((This is the best friend of Front Boss,and the right hand of him. You must listen what Front Boss said in this rank. Their job is to keep an eye to the low rank and promoting or demoting players.))
Consigliere. R.4
((In this rank,you may lead this gang in a roberry,shootout,and training lower ranks. But you must asking for a permission to R.6/5 before robbing.))
Head Capo R.3
((In this rank you can recommend or ask to R6/5 to robbing and kiddnaping someone.and their job is to assist Consigliere.))
Capo. R.2
((Your job is drug dealing,arms dealing,mats delivering,and to protect higher ranks.))
Soldier Mafioso R.1
((Your job is to assist Mobster and protect them when they are dealing. And your job is to guards the HQ and protecting the higher ranks.))
Street Rat. R.0
((This is Unoficiall member in a gang,Their job is do what higher ranks told him and he will promoted if they show alot of RP's and know the server rules well.))
Stafford [2x]
This car is to guards the Strech at the front and back when we're doing convoy or when High Ranks has a meeting with other families,also useful for robbery R.2-R.6 Can use this by them self.
This car is for the Front Boss or Underboss at the back seat and the driver is R.0-R.4 This will be used if we wanna meeting (( Or RPing )) with the other families,this car will be in the middle when we're going to the town
This car is for robberies,kiddnaping,drug dealing,arms dealing and other criminals thing... This is our basic car after Stafford,R.1-R.6 Can use this by them self with permission to R.5 or R.6.
Our Gang Sources of Income.
~Drug Dealing,1/2 of the money would donated inside the gang safe and the rest of it will be going to the Member who sold the drugs.
~Bank and Store Robberies,On the bank robberies we must have 4-5 members and to rob stores we must have 2-3 members,the money will divided on each members who joined the robberies and with HIGH RP.
~Hostage and Kiddnaping,We will Kiddnap a person with a reason... We will not kiddnap a person with not reason (( and we never ROB and KIDDNAP level 1 )) the money we got will divided on the members who involved.
~Materials and Weapon Dealing,We will order two or one of the member to deliver the mats and pay them for each deliveries. We got the mats and we will sell the mats or we will make a weapons from them.
Our Headquarters.
Why you should choose our Gang?
You must choose our gang because we are RPing all of our action and we all are Good at RPing... And we will give they Strike [2/3] If they are A-Jailed and if they fined for UNRP reason, we will give [1/3] strike. We don't tolerate any UNRP'ers.... We will kick them if they are in a big admin issues,we won't our gang have UNRP'ers MG'ers. Before they are go into the gang,i will ask them the server rules,and divine what is PG,RK,DM,WWD,MG,etc. We will bring more Mafia RP to the server. So,thats why you should choose our gang.
~Everyone must read the gang rules over here before joining the gang,i will test you in-game and if you don't know the rules,i will instantly deny you.
~No DM [2/3]
~No RK [1/3]
~No MG [Warning] after warning [1/3]
~No KoS [2/3]
~No PG [1/3]
~No NJ [1/3]
~No Finishing w/o 5 RP lines [2/3]
~No AP [2/3]
~Don't abuse and UNRP using toys,laser only allowed when you are holding a gun.
~No copbaiting.
~Don't attack other gangs or people w/o any reason,they aren't enemy.
~No Constant /b
~Listen to Higher Ranks. If no you will be punished.
~Respect other gangs,they aren't enemy.
~Respect all the family members.
~Respect the civilians,they are humans.
~Respect Cops and Goverment's they aren't enemy.
~Don't kiddnap people w/o any reason.
~Don't use family vehicle if you are not getting permission from R.5 or R.6
~Don't be a homosexual
Do you have 500k to create the Family?
Of Course.
We want our cars are coloured BLACK and we've understand IC and OOC rules also Server Rules. We will upload SS of our RP soon. Thank you for reading my Family Applications. Please,give me feedback. Thanks.
Finally,they success trespassed the Airport and next is to go into the airplane. And before they can enter the plane,they must have a pasport to go into the Plane. And they have an idea,Its stealing another guy pasport.
*Miro Acro looks at Nikola and Raises his eyebrows after exhales his breath*
Miro:" Fuck it man!"
Nikola:"Whats wrong brother?"
Miro:"We need fuckin' Pasport to get into the fuckin' airplane"
Nikola:"How about if we steal from a person?"
Miro:"Yeah,you steal the pasport and i'll keep an eye on security."
Mikola:"Mhhh... Okay okay..."
*Nikola Rodriguez turns his body and walk away from Miro*
Miro and Nikola is connected to a Radio,so they can communicate each other... But the radio is tiny and attached on the ear,so the security guards wouldn't notice it.
Nikola:"Co....*Static* That"
And after 19 minutes searching for a pasport,finally Nikola found a suitcase with two pasport's in it.
*I would looking to the opened suitcase and walk towards it (( Nikola Rodriguez ))*
Nikola:"(quietly)I go...*Static*..t one here"
*Nikola Rodriguez peek to the Suitcase and inserts his hands to it,grabs a pasport from it*
Miro:" Fuck! Security is lookin' at you! RUN NOW F..*Static*..AST!!"
Nikola is running away from the Security,meanwhile Miro is seating on the chair because he don't wanna attract people and Security guards.
And after Nikola runs away from the security guards and lost him,he is hiding in the gents bathroom. And Nikola starts contacting Miro over the radio again....
Miro:"'Ey where are you?"
Miro:"Is the security guards has lost you? Or they still know your location?"
Nikola:"I think they're lost me."
Miro is coming to the Gents Bathroom and meet Nikola there,so they can look at the pasport and giving the pasport each other the pasport.
They already have the pasport and they trying to get into the airport with the Someone's pasport and luckely they're succeed,because they face are similar with the identity.
Chapter 3
Los Angeles
After they flyies from Mexico to Los Angeles. They have no Idea what to do,but they found a Mexican gang called La Surenos. And they joined the gang,Their job is Drug Smuggling,Drug Dealing,Arms Dealing and Criminals. And one day they are robbing a store with their members.
Miro:"Hey! Nikola! Stay with me!"
Nikola:"Il suo male! I'm fine!I'll guard outside the store"
*Miro Acro turns his body and walk towards to store*
Miro is go into the store with the members and pointing a gun to the cashier,so the cashier will give they all of the money. And suddenly a cop come to the store and there is a massive gun fight outside... Miro is worried about Nikola.
16 Minutes later,they're drained the cashier and they are going outside with loaded gun. Miro found Nikola Lying on the ground with a blood on his Stomach.
Miro:"Che' Cazzo'! Niko!"
Nikola:" I...I'm al....alright"
Miro:"How the fuck you are alright? I'll take you to the HQ!"
Nikola:"No No,i'm okay fratello' "
Miro has stolen one car from his gang because there is a massive shootout and their gang is impossible to take Nikola to the HQ for the treatment.
After they arrived on the HQ,Miro begins to treat Nikola and bandage his wounds... And tell Nikola to rest. But the BIG BOSS is coming to the HQ and starts Yelling to them....
and the boss is allowing Nikola to rest until he's Recovered. But after that,they must leave the gang....
Chapter 4
After Miro and Nikola left a gang called La Surenos. They begin with a new live in Downtown Los Angeles. They are Homeless and living on the alley in a Box. They are starting to think,how can they live in L.A and strugle for money. And Miro says.
Miro:" Hey brother."
Miro:"Let's make a gang"
Nikola:"Nah'. To risky...."
Nikola:"What did you said?"
Miro:"Niente' '"
Nikola:"You think i'm afraid?? Okay! Lets make a gang!"
Miro:"Fresco' thats my brother."
*Miro Acro smiles to Nikola and chuckles*
They've decided to make a gang but they doesn't know what is the name of the gang,after 1 weeks they found and decided to make the name of the gang,the actuall date is 2nd May,1993
Nikola:"'Ey' brother... I'm tired... Let's go to sleep"
*Nikola Rodriguez slowly closes his eyes,exhales his breath and fall asleep*
Miro:"I KNOW!"
*Nikola Rodriguez was surprised because of the Shout and awakened up from his sleep*
Nikola:"Che diavolo!"
Miro:"I know! How about "La eMe Mafioso"?"
Nikola:"Sounds good!"
From that night,they are starting to recruit new members,their first member was Alex Lopez. He is a good boy and not a traitor. Nikola and Miro has ordered him to sell a drug to get into their gang. He must sell a drug for 40$ and take the money to Nikola and Miro... And Alex can take the rest of the money.
But when he's dealing a drug,there was undercover police... Unfortunately Alex was caught and the police has sent Alex to the Jail... Now he's in the prison. Lonely,Stinky,and Alex was attack one of the prison guards,Alex was attacked the prison guard because he is Insulted Alex. and Alex get punished by jail time extension. But the good thing is,Alex starts to make a Prison gang... They are called La eMe Mafioso also... That gang have a multy cultular people. They are chinise,Mexican,Italian,American,etc. and they are not racist... So they can have a good friendship each other,and after 3 years in the prison. They've released. Once released, La eMe Mafioso has formed a gangs and HQ over the cities and downtown. They become stronger...
La eMe Mafioso was doing money laundering, extortion, robbery, blackmail, kidnapping, political corruption,etc.They are success and the gang and members are become rich... Some of the people said that La eMe Mafioso was "The Strongest Mafia in Los Angeles"
Chapter 5
La Story.
La eMe also know as Mexican Mafia is a criminal organitation in United States. La eMe didn't originate in Mexico,but it's in United States. La eMe was a Criminal Prison Gang,some people said that La eMe is the most dangerous and strongest prison gang in Los Angeles.
La eMe was formed in 1993 By two boys from diffrent country,they are Miro "Xean" Acro and Nikola Rodriguez,they recruited one member called Alex Lopez. But Alex was prisoned because he is getting cought when he's selling drugs on the streets and alleys. Alex was throwed into a Prison by the police and from there. Alex decided to make a prison gang called La eMe also... The prison gang getting more stronger and stronger. They are enjoying the prison until the time is over... They won't make them self uncomfortable,because it will kill them slowly. And now,they are the most stronges prison gang in Los Angeles and the most biggest prison gang in Los Angeles.
After three years,Alex has served his time and he will back to the open world,and he's get out from jail with no bare hands. They bring their members from the prison and bring it to Nikola and Miro as a gift for them... Nikola and Miro was surprised. Now,La eMe is a successful Mexican Mafia and the most strongest and deadliest Gang in LA.
La eMe is also know as THE BLACK HAND,because most of the gang members have the tatoos on their bodies. and the tatooes are Blackhands,which is La eMe logo.
So,La eMe was a Prison Gang from United States. But it's originally from a street gang.
Thats how La eMe born.
la Fine
Front Boss. R.6
All Type of Weapons are allowed.
((In this rank,your job is to Keep an eye to the family and to manage ranks,invite and kick players. You may use all skins except if we RPing with another gangs/families.))
Underboss R.5
All Type of Weapons are allowed.
((This is the best friend of Front Boss,and the right hand of him. You must listen what Front Boss said in this rank. Their job is to keep an eye to the low rank and promoting or demoting players.))
Consigliere. R.4
((In this rank,you may lead this gang in a roberry,shootout,and training lower ranks. But you must asking for a permission to R.6/5 before robbing.))
Head Capo R.3
((In this rank you can recommend or ask to R6/5 to robbing and kiddnaping someone.and their job is to assist Consigliere.))
Capo. R.2
((Your job is drug dealing,arms dealing,mats delivering,and to protect higher ranks.))
Soldier Mafioso R.1
((Your job is to assist Mobster and protect them when they are dealing. And your job is to guards the HQ and protecting the higher ranks.))
Street Rat. R.0
((This is Unoficiall member in a gang,Their job is do what higher ranks told him and he will promoted if they show alot of RP's and know the server rules well.))
Stafford [2x]
This car is to guards the Strech at the front and back when we're doing convoy or when High Ranks has a meeting with other families,also useful for robbery R.2-R.6 Can use this by them self.
This car is for the Front Boss or Underboss at the back seat and the driver is R.0-R.4 This will be used if we wanna meeting (( Or RPing )) with the other families,this car will be in the middle when we're going to the town
This car is for robberies,kiddnaping,drug dealing,arms dealing and other criminals thing... This is our basic car after Stafford,R.1-R.6 Can use this by them self with permission to R.5 or R.6.
Our Gang Sources of Income.
~Drug Dealing,1/2 of the money would donated inside the gang safe and the rest of it will be going to the Member who sold the drugs.
~Bank and Store Robberies,On the bank robberies we must have 4-5 members and to rob stores we must have 2-3 members,the money will divided on each members who joined the robberies and with HIGH RP.
~Hostage and Kiddnaping,We will Kiddnap a person with a reason... We will not kiddnap a person with not reason (( and we never ROB and KIDDNAP level 1 )) the money we got will divided on the members who involved.
~Materials and Weapon Dealing,We will order two or one of the member to deliver the mats and pay them for each deliveries. We got the mats and we will sell the mats or we will make a weapons from them.
Our Headquarters.
Why you should choose our Gang?
You must choose our gang because we are RPing all of our action and we all are Good at RPing... And we will give they Strike [2/3] If they are A-Jailed and if they fined for UNRP reason, we will give [1/3] strike. We don't tolerate any UNRP'ers.... We will kick them if they are in a big admin issues,we won't our gang have UNRP'ers MG'ers. Before they are go into the gang,i will ask them the server rules,and divine what is PG,RK,DM,WWD,MG,etc. We will bring more Mafia RP to the server. So,thats why you should choose our gang.
~Everyone must read the gang rules over here before joining the gang,i will test you in-game and if you don't know the rules,i will instantly deny you.
~No DM [2/3]
~No RK [1/3]
~No MG [Warning] after warning [1/3]
~No KoS [2/3]
~No PG [1/3]
~No NJ [1/3]
~No Finishing w/o 5 RP lines [2/3]
~No AP [2/3]
~Don't abuse and UNRP using toys,laser only allowed when you are holding a gun.
~No copbaiting.
~Don't attack other gangs or people w/o any reason,they aren't enemy.
~No Constant /b
~Listen to Higher Ranks. If no you will be punished.
~Respect other gangs,they aren't enemy.
~Respect all the family members.
~Respect the civilians,they are humans.
~Respect Cops and Goverment's they aren't enemy.
~Don't kiddnap people w/o any reason.
~Don't use family vehicle if you are not getting permission from R.5 or R.6
~Don't be a homosexual
Do you have 500k to create the Family?
Of Course.
We want our cars are coloured BLACK and we've understand IC and OOC rules also Server Rules. We will upload SS of our RP soon. Thank you for reading my Family Applications. Please,give me feedback. Thanks.
Miro Xean Acro.
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